Obergurgl is located in the Ötztal in Tyrol (the 3300 years old mummy “Oetzi the Iceman” was named after the valley and was found in a glacier close to that place). It is a prominent skiing resort in winter and a nice and relaxing alpine resort in summer.

The conference will be held at the University Centre Obergurgl, which is associated with the University of Innsbruck. The Obergurgl University Center is located at an altitude of 1940 meters above sea-level, right by the ski slopes and just five minutes from the heart of the village.
Transfer Conference Bus:
on Sunday, 14.04.2019:
Person on location: Andrew Kanagin (cell +43 68860555845, conference mobile ONLY for transfer bus!!!!)
Departure Sunday, 14.04.2019 Innsbruck central Station Loading Zone (Verladestelle) to Obergurgl:
17:30 Innsbruck central station (wait until 17:45)
18:00 Innsbruck Airport (wait until 18:15)
Travel time from Innsbruck -> Obergurgl approx. 2 hours!
Return Saturday, 20.04.2019 from Obergurgl to Innsbruck:
9:00 University Center Obergurgl (wait until 09:15)
11:00 Innsbruck Airport (wait until 11:15)
11:30 Innsbruck central station
Information about alternative public transport:
If you only want to travel by public transport, you have to take the
train to Ötztal Bahnhof and then a bus to Obergurgl. From the last stop it
is still a short walk to the Unizentrum.
The Ötztaler Verkehrsgesellschaft offers a shuttle service. The rides can be
booked on their website: