QIP2019 Obergurgl
“Quantum Computing – From Algorithms to Applications”
Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 15.-19. April 2019
The workshop intends to bring together leading researchers in the field for an update and in-depth discussions on the current experimental platforms and their evolution towards scalable quantum computing. A particular emphasis of the workshop is to formulate a vision for larger scale quantum computation, beyond the currently available several ten (noisy) qubits. Aside from the platform development, algorithms and their potential applications are of special interest.
Besides the invited talks that are intended to present both their own work and an overview and status of the field, there will be room for contributed ‘Hot Topic’ talks, and we will have two extended poster sessions. In addition, we plan focused discussion sessions on topics like: ‘What are the classical resources needed to run a quantum computer’ or ‘The role of critical components to execute algorithms’ or the ‘Critical assessment of the status and its prospects’.
The Universitätszentrum Obergurgl belongs to the university of Innsbruck, and is located in the center of the Öztaler Alpen, at the end of the Öztal. More information can be found at http://www.uz-obergurgl.at/english/. All participants will stay at the Universitätszentrum Obergurgl which will give us all unique possibilities to discuss and interact.
Rainer Blatt
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Matthias Troyer
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