Archive for 'KRb'

Cooling of a one-dimensional Bose gas

New preprint from the KRb lab:

Cooling of a one-dimensional Bose gas
Bernhard Rauer, Pjotrs Grišins, Igor E. Mazets, Thomas Schweigler, Wolfgang Rohringer, Remi Geiger, Tim Langen and Jörg Schmiedmayer

On solving the quantum many-body problem

New preprint from the KRb lab:

On solving the quantum many-body problem
Thomas Schweigler, Valentin Kasper, Sebastian Erne, Bernhard Rauer, Tim Langen, Thomas Gasenzer, Jürgen Berges, and Jörg Schmiedmayer

Experimental observation of a generalized Gibbs ensemble

New paper from the KRb lab published in Science:

Experimental observation of a generalized Gibbs ensemble

T. Langen, S. Erne, R. Geiger, B. Rauer, T. Schweigler, M. Kuhnert, W. Rohringer, I. E. Mazets, T. Gasenzer, J. Schmiedmayer
Science 348, 207 (2015), arXiv:1411.7185

New review articles

Ultracold atoms out of equilibrium
T. Langen, R. Geiger, and J. Schmiedmayer
Annu. Rev. Cond. Mat. Phys. 6, 201 (2015) , arxiv:1408.6377

Interferometry with Atoms
J. F. Schaff, T. Langen, and J. Schmiedmayer
Proc. Internat. School Phys. Enrico Fermi 188, 1 (2014)
see also Riv. Nuovo Cimento 34, 509 (2014)

Local emergence of thermal correlations in an isolated quantum many-body system

New paper from the KRb Lab published in Nature Physics:

Local emergence of thermal correlations in an isolated quantum many-body system
Tim Langen, Remi Geiger, Maximilian Kuhnert, Bernhard Rauer, and Joerg Schmiedmayer
Nature Physics 9, 640–643 (2013), arxiv:1305.3708

Press release (english/deutsch), Nature Physics News & Views, Physics Today, APA Meldung, diePresse

Two new papers by the KRb lab

Two new papers on the observation of prethermalization by the KRb lab:

Prethermalization revealed by the relaxation dynamics of full distribution functions
New J. Phys. 15, 075011 (2013)

Prethermalization in 1D Bose gases: description by a stochastic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 217, 43 (2013)

Multimode Dynamics and Emergence of a Characteristic Length Scale in a One-Dimensional Quantum System

New paper from the KRb Lab published in PRL:

Multimode Dynamics and Emergence of a Characteristic Length Scale in a One-Dimensional Quantum System
M. Kuhnert, R. Geiger, T. Langen, M. Gring, B. Rauer, T. Kitagawa, E. Demler, D. Adu Smith, and J. Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 090405 (2013)

Press release at Vienna University of Technology

Best of Wissenschaft 2012

The Austrian newspaper “Der Standard” has selected our paper Relaxation and Prethermalization in an Isolated Quantum System published in Science as one of the highlights of Austrian research in 2012.

The newspaper article can be found here: – Best of Wissenschaft 2012.

Relaxation and Prethermalization in an Isolated Quantum System

First paper from the KRb Lab is published in Science:

Relaxation and Prethermalization in an Isolated Quantum System
Michael Gring, Maximilian Kuhnert, Tim Langen, Takuya Kitagawa, Bernhard Rauer, Matthias Schreitl, Igor Mazets, David Adu Smith, Eugene Demler, Jörg Schmiedmayer
Science 337, 1318 (2012)

Press release at Vienna University of Technology

Relaxation Dynamics and Pre-thermalization

First paper from the KRb Lab now on the arXiv: arXiv:1112.0013

Relaxation Dynamics and Pre-thermalization in an Isolated Quantum System
Michael Gring, Maximilian Kuhnert, Tim Langen, Takuya Kitagawa, Bernhard Rauer, Matthias Schreitl, Igor Mazets, David A. Smith, Eugene Demler, Jörg Schmiedmayer